Friday, April 15, 2005

The Door

I walked into a door just now. It was completely dark, I was headed towards my bathroom. In order to get to my bathroom, I have to pass through this door...this particular door is always closed. So, I didn't think anything of walking towards the door in the dark, only this time the door was partially open. I hit it right at my brow bone in between my nose and my left eye. It hurt so much that my eyes got all watery. I was a pathetic sight. Needless to say, I now have a headache as I head off to bed. **sigh**


Blogger Liam said...

Hey luv, thanks for the comment, I SHOULD be studying for exams but I also need to keep sane, which I've been doing more or less, by watching random episodes of family guy on dvd and posting to my blog. but thanks for the concern. Hope your headache is gone in the morning.

11:06 p.m.  

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