Thursday, May 05, 2005

It's Official, I Should've Been a Blonde

My windshield has been cracked for quite some time now. Actually, there's a story behind that too. So, let me start at the beginning.

Several months ago I got a small crack on my windshield. I didn't think much of it because it was small and it was on the passenger side. After some time, I (in my great wisdom) decided to take my car through a car wash. I was all by myself in a very powerful car wash...and in the middle of it, my windshield crack started to creep very quickly across my windshield. I was SO scared. I thought my windshield was going to crack through and water and soap was going to start pouring into my car and get all over me. Sitting there, watching the crack moving across like a snake trying to decide whether or not I should jump into the back of my car to protect msyelf, was quite a scary scene. In the end, my windshield (and me) survived the car nerves were another story.

Last week, as I was getting into my car I noticed that the seal around my windshield was coming off. It looked as if it was ready to fly off at any minute. I immediately forgot about this little tidbit until I told my best friend lastnight. After she inspected my car, she said "Luv, you must get this fixed. This isn't even legal anymore. And you're always driving on the freeway, if something hits it, it'll be gone." That lit a fire under my bum. I thought, "I guess it's about time I paid for this and got it fixed." If it wasn't so bloody expensive, I would've gotten it fixed right away.

This morning, I called an auto glass place close to my work. The glass guy told me to come in at about 9.30am and drop off my car. He said he'd need my car for about 4 hours, and he'd give me a courtesy car to drive back to work. Excellent, I had a plan in place and the windshield was going to get fixed.

9.30 rolls around, and I go to drop off my car. When I hand him my car keys, I pulled off just my car key (as I have a bunch of keys on my key chain that belong to work and always have to be in my custody). Well, (in my great wisdom...this comes up a lot doesn't it?), I didn't give him my alarm remote because I didn't think I had set the alarm on my car when I parked it in the glass guy's lot. I drove away, quite certain that my car would be ready to go for 1.30 and I could come back and pick it up.

Once I got back to work, I was in a conference call for about an hour and a half and then I was busy doing a bunch of other things. I didn't get back to my desk until 1.00pm, and as I sat down I saw that I had some messages. When I picked up my messages, the first one was from my mom, it was left at 10.30am and she said, "Hi, ummm, the glass guy called and you left your car alarm on. When he tries to go into your car the alarm gets set off and he can't do anything with your car. Give him a call at ...". At his point, I am mortified. The worst case scenario has become reality, how stupid could I be? The next message is from the glass guy, "Hi, ummm, you left your car alarm on and you didn't give me your alarm remote. I can't do anything with your car, give me a call at ..." I now want to crawl into a dark hole and hide forever. I call him back, he picks up and I say, "Hi, this is the idiot that set her alarm. I am so incredibly sorry." I then told him how to disable my alarm without the remote. He then asked me, "So, when are you picking up your car?"...I told him whenever he wanted me to. I again apologized and hung up. At this point, I've got that gross feeling at the pit of my's that "I am so completely and utterly stupid" feeling. How could I have been so blonde?

So, 3pm rolls around. This is the time he had given me, but told me to call him first just to make sure it was done. I called, he said my car was ready. I drove the courtesy car back to the place...but I made a quick stop at a restaurant nearby and picked up a gift certificate for the poor glass guy. First of all, I am embarrased as hell and second of all, I'm driving a courtesy car. When you suddenly drive another car that you've never driven before, it feels so odd. I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I drove into the parking lot in one piece...I was so relieved in fact, that I almost burst into tears (ugh, how girly is that?).

I saw the glass guy, apologized profusely, gave him the gift certificate as a peace offering, and he was all really good with it. He told me I didn't have to do that, I told him that if I didn't I wouldn't have been able to sleep at night. I paid my fees (which hurt), apologized again, got into my car and drove off hoping to never embarass myself like that again.

Why do things like these have to happen to me? I should've been a least then I would've had an excuse.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't picture you as a blonde, perhaps photoshop is needed

10:33 p.m.  

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