Monday, May 09, 2005

Destined for Great Things

Have you ever had the feeling that you're destined to do great things? That there's a meaning to your life, that there's something big you're meant to do? Then, you go and do something so mundane and repetitive that the great things feeling just comes crashing down? It happened to me today.

I was feeling great, on top of this world, nothing was going to stop me. Then, I went grocery shopping. A little background here. I'm single, no dependants, yet once a week I do the grocery shopping for a family of four. My dad doesn't have the time to do it, my mom doesn't want to, my brother's too young and my grandma's too old...which leaves me. Grocery shopping makes me feel like a housewife (not that being a housewife is a bad thing). I'm in my early 20's, I should be carefree with no one to worry about but me. Least of all ensuring the family has enough food. This week, I was one day late in doing the grocery shopping (I usually go every Sunday, this week I ended up doing it on Monday). As a result, my brother didn't have anything to take with him for lunch at school today. The horror! It was all my fault. Why? Why is it my fault? I am not his mother! Ugh.

So, I was having these thoughts as I was grocery shopping today. I can't believe something so mundane can make me feel so angry. It's almost as if I feel like the grocery shopping is getting in the way of me doing great things! How silly is that?

I should really count my lucky stars that I do have a family to worry about. There are many out there that don't, and would love to be in my place. Even with that, I still feel like the grocery shopping for the family should not be my responsibility to shoulder.

The next time I have this great things feeling, I should try and define what exactly the great things are. For all I know, I could be doing the great things right now, but I'm not realizing it because I'm letting myself get frustrated. Maybe the grocery shopping is one of those great things I'm destined to do. **sigh** But it just doesn't sound exciting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, I totally get the whole 'destined for great things' thing. Second of all, the whole family thing becomes one of you can't live with them, you can't live without them. Grocery shopping may just be symbolic of the burden you feel that is preventing you from greatness. Whether you feel that this is because of your family, I don't know. But I do agree that greatness must be defined (at least your definition of it. That way you can work towards it, and any obstacles can be overcome.

10:50 p.m.  

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