Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Life and Times of Management

You know, I never truly appreciated my managers until I became one myself. Being on "the other side of the desk" gives you a whole new perspective on life. Suddenly, you can be labelled the big bad manager that the employee has to stand up against. On the flip side, you can also become a mentor to someone who wants to become like you. Either way, big shoes to fill.

I got to work at 7.50am this morning, I left work at 8.45pm this evening. My only break was 20 minutes long to quickly eat some lunch at 2pm this afternoon...and that was only because I was getting a headache from the hunger. I worked late today because I had so much catching up to do and had to come up with some new coaching ideas; the real work happens after everyone has gone home.

I've been in management for a couple of years now, and in that time I've had to make some tough decisions. I've also had some very rewarding experiences, mind you. Please don't get me wrong, I love my job. At the end of the day, you hope that the decisions you've made are the right ones for everyone involved. Of course, the decisions must be right for the business as well.

So, when you come across a good manager, please pass along a quick "thank you"...you have no idea how far that will go. I know from experience that it can be a pretty thankless job, and that you have to learn to thank yourself at the end of the day. When someone else utters those two precious words to you, it makes all the long hours worthwhile.

Thank You.


Blogger Liam said...

My parent's own two small businesses, a grocery store and an independent hardware store. It's tough on them as managers in a rural area because customers are increasingly driving longer distances to go to larger superstores. Meanwhile, workers have no incentive to want to stay at the job they are at when there's more money to be made by moving away. Trust me, I've heard all the stories about being in management and supervisor positions. In the matter of one day it can be both thankless but very rewarding. Still, I think I'd like to have a small business one day. What kind of business do you manage, if you don't mind my asking?

11:41 p.m.  

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