Friday, July 28, 2006

Expired Coincidence

Some time ago, I had to get my driver's license renewed. To renew in BC you have to go to a driver services centre, pay an exorbitant fee and get your picture taken. After which they give you a yellow piece of paper that is titled your Interim Driver's License to hold you over until you get your real license in the mail.

"Ugh. I got my driver's license."

My brother perks up.

"Lemme see!"


He grabs it and takes a look. After examining it for a few seconds, his jaw drops and his eyes go wide.

"Oh my gosh!!! What a coincidence!!!!!!"


"Your driver's license expires on your birthday!!!!!!!"

"Uhhh. Andy?"


"Everyone's license expires on their birthday."



Blogger Dr. Coopernicus Who said...

oh andy!

12:09 p.m.  

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