Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I'm sitting at the pharmacy waiting for my prescription to be filled. I took "holidays" from my normal job this week so that I could do some berry picking (like I do every year). Except during this set of holidays, I got strep throat - really really bad strep throat...the kind that at one point I truly believed was going to kill me. Anyway, as I'm waiting for my prescription I can't help but listen in on a conversation.

An elderly man goes up to the pharmacy counter, looks at a young woman and says "Are you the pharmacist?"

"Yes, I am"

"Then tell me, is there a pill that takes the black spots off of teeth?"

"Hm. There isn't such a pill. But we do have tablets that can show you where the plaque is on your teeth and you can brush accordingly."

"Oh, how do those work?"

"Well, you would chew one tablet and the tablet would then stain your teeth where you have plaque. Then once the stains are on you'd brush in those parts to get the stains and the plaque off."

"Can I see the tablets?"


The pharmacist then goes over and picks up the tablets and hands them to the man. The man takes that packet, looks at it, flips it around and looks at it some more then hands the packet back to the pharmacist.

"Lady! I have dentures!!!"

Haha! Twas very funny!


Blogger Jaclyn_Rose said...

I ended up getting sick too!
I got a cold, so I missed work Thursday and Friday...still feeling a bit drained today, but at least my nose is finally drained!

4:21 p.m.  

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