Sunday, June 05, 2005

Christmas Past

As I was cleaning out one of my drawers, I came across this clue hunt I made for my little brother about three Christmas's ago. His birthday present was a Nintendo Gamecube, Gamecube controllers, a memory card for the Gamecube, and a game called Smash Bros Melee. There were several clues hidden in various parts of the house. I have to say, it was one of the most fun things I've made my brother do. Here's how they went:

Introduction: "You, my child, are about to embark upon a journey that will leave you breathless. Remember, every word that is written is a clue within itself. Follow this and you will succeed. Good luck my boy, I feel you will need it..."

Then, I handed him the first clue.

#1 "Time is of the essence, God is wanting your presence. Look north and go forth! Behind there you will see, another one of me."

We had a clock to the north of the house, also there was a little prayer written in stone beside this clock (hence time, God & north). When he got to it, there was another clue behind the clock.

#2 "BRRRRR! Do you feel that breeze? I am many things, but one thing I am not, I am never ever close to being hot. Look to the east and you will see a very cold, white beast."

Our fridge was white and it was towards the east part of the house. Inside the fridge he found another clue.

#3 "Memory is today's game. Do you remember your name? Yellow is the shade. Find it and look down, but don't be afraid."

This clue had my brother stumped. On the wall in my brother's room, he had this yellow Tonka poster up, and his name was written in that poster. He needed to look down and his first present and next clue was on the ground between the wall and his bed. The present was the Gamecube memory card. This one took him a while to figure out. Cool, eh?

#4 "Your memory serves you well, but only time will tell. Now we require control...where do we find that? Where do you control a car?"

His second present and next clue were on the driver's seat of my car. The present was, you guessed it, the Gamecube controllers.

#5 "Aha! You are still under control! Now we go to the place where people have gotten together...shall we call it a melee?! Then look in the lap of the person you want to slap."

His third present and next clue were in my lap (he would've wanted to slap me for making him run around like that!). This present was the Super Smash Bros Melee game.

#6 "Now think with all your might...This is where you rest your head at night."

While my brother was running down to my car, I ran to his room and placed a plastic heart on his pillow. The heart opens up and is a little container. That's where the next clue was.

#7 "From my heart to yours...Unlock the secrets of this key, and you may find what you seek."

Inside the containter was this clue and a key. They key unlocked my filing cabinet in my room. I had emptied out the filing cabinet and placed another clue in there.

#8 "This is it, my boy. Go back to the melee, and there you will find a present that will blow your mind."

So then my brother ran back to the living room where the whole family was and there, in the middle of the living room was another present all wrapped up. That present was, of course, the Nintendo Gamecube system.

What a great sister I am! I had such a great time setting that all up and making him go through all those clues!!


Blogger diandra said...

that's awesome! xoxo.

4:22 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though the fact that you went through so much trouble for "the idiot" is a little shady...... but then again, you had fun doing it, so all is not lost.

8:17 a.m.  
Blogger Carly said...

wow - that's fabulous.
if my sister gets off of her high-horse and loses her attitude perhaps i might do something like that for her.

8:45 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so good! I recently had my students do a treasure hunt in the was not nearly as clever as yours though...the clues had to be pretty straight forward with English being their second language, but they had loads of fun anyways.

8:41 p.m.  
Blogger Ang said...

Will you be my sister?

2:16 a.m.  
Blogger Liam said...

See, if I ever attempted a thing like that I'd screw it up and it wouldn't be challenging at all. In that sense, young people everywhere are lucky not to have an older brother like me.

10:44 a.m.  

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