Tuesday, November 29, 2005


My brother is a total idiot. He has reached new levels of idiotism that have never been reached before. It's astounding really, does the idiotic-ness never end? Is there an actual bottom to this pit? Or does the pit just keep getting deeper and deeper as new idiotness is discovered?

I better stop there, or I might end up discovering something I don't want to know about.

My brother's such a high (or is it low?) achiever - he should be awarded a medal or something.


Blogger Grish said...

what happened that alerted you to his new levels of idiocy?? or is it idiocracy? either way, i must know as my curiousity is killing me.

1:44 a.m.  
Blogger Carly said...

doesn't your bro read your blog?
yes, curiosity killed the grish, err, cat.

6:39 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I do read these blogs...and she has failed to show us any proof of these so called "new levels of idiocy" I happen to be very intelligent, smart, and anything not related to an idiot...My sister has been jealous of me for a long time..I don't blame her..after all I am just way too good :-)

3:14 p.m.  
Blogger Carly said...

well luv, it looks like we failed at actually getting together for coffee.
it's up to grish to pull us together again.

5:34 p.m.  

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