Saturday, December 17, 2005

Morning Inspection

Each morning, the first employee that arrives at the office has to do a morning inspection. The employee would do a walk/drive around the office building to ensure there are no broken windows, etc. Then the employee would go into the building and inspect each office/room to ensure everything is secure. Once that's done, we have a 'sign' that the employee would change to let the rest of the employees arriving after know that the inspection has been done. If however, everything is not secure then the employee would change the 'sign' so that the rest of the employees know there's something wrong and to not enter the building. This is a routine established to make sure the building hasn't been compromised, and if it has to keep the rest of the employees safe by telling them not to enter.

One of the staff members, N, is usually the first person to arrive. As she drives in with her husband and he starts work at 7.30am, she's usually at the office way before anyone else. The morning inspection process lands on her shoulders.

It's 7.40am one particular morning, I'm going on my merry way getting ready for work. At this point, I'm still in my bathrobe and I'm about to start blow-drying my hair. My mobile starts to ring and I see it's N calling, I pick up:



It's N, and she's whispering on the phone. My heart drops, a million thoughts are racing through my head. One of them being, "Shit, I'm still in my bathrobe and if I have to run out the door and to the office I'm going to have to change fast."


Now I'm whispering...go figure.

"I'm doing the morning inspection, and the men's bathroom door is locked and the light is on and I've knocked on the door a couple of times and no one is answering. What do I do?"

"Ok, here's what I want you to do. You can use any key to unlock the men's washroom, sometimes the guys forget to unlock it on their way out...any key will work."

"Alright. Any key?"


"Ok, I'm tiptoeing to my office now to grab a key."

As she's tiptoeing, I've got more thoughts running through my head. I'm almost positive there's no one in the bathroom, but it still doesn't stop me from getting paranoid...I start thinking about the time when there were notes all over our office that said "I can see you." The person who found those notes hightailed it out of the office and called the police. Turns out that the janitor had brought her kids in that night. As the kids were playing hide and seek, one of them decided to leave these notes everywhere. Scared the shit out of everyone and with that was born the morning inspection.

"Ok, I've got a key. I'm going to go back now."

"You know N, you don't have to go in there. You can leave the building and wait until I get there."

I'm imagining N finding a dead body in the washroom, and I'm thinking that it's going to leave her scarred for life. I'm feeling guilty for telling her how to get into the washroom, I should've just told her to wait for me.

"No, that's ok. Just stay on the phone with me and that way in case anything happens you know to call the police right away."

"Alright. Go in slowly."

She reaches the washroom, and I hear her take a deep breath, and put in the key.

"Ok, I'm going in."

There's a split second of silence, and then a huge sigh of relief.

"Phew. There's no one in here." - she's no longer whispering

"Oh my gosh, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"I almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Ok, I'll see soon. Until then, no more drama."

"No worries. I'll still be alive when you get in."


Blogger Ang said...

That is too much stress first thing in the morning!!

6:36 p.m.  
Blogger Liam said...

This is off the topic, I know, but... how do you remember entire conversations like that? I mean, it's probably normal for you and the rest of the human population, but I'm a horrible story teller. If I had to explain to someone how a conversation between myself and a friend went, even if it was a few hours ago, I'd forget all the important details and totally screw up the details.

1:02 a.m.  
Blogger Elle said...

hey Liam,

Hmmmm. To be honest, I'm one of the most absent-minded people I know. My memory isn't really that great when it comes to remembering dates/facts, but when it comes to (interesting) conversations...I just remember them. I bet you are really good at remembering the dates/facts stuff, and I would have no idea how you manage to do that. So, it's just different things we remember...make sense?

1:14 a.m.  
Blogger Liam said...

Yeah. It does. I imagine that if you and I were telling a story to mutual friends, you'd provide the context and I'd fill in the random facts that you left out.

2:43 p.m.  
Blogger Grish said...

LOVE IT - the story has mystery, suspense and everything - sooo classic. Although, perhaps u shulda thrown in a dead body or two - spice it up a bit. hehe - we know I'm a little weird.

9:08 p.m.  
Blogger Elle said...

Liam - you're right, if we were telling a story, between the two of us we'd hit every part!

Grishma - welcome back to BC (again). Yes, you are weird...but if you weren't, we couldn't be friends. Yay for weirdness!

1:01 a.m.  
Blogger Carly said...

yes, grish is very.
that is why we are glad she is back 'au Canada'

4:32 p.m.  

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