Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Done...Like Shit

My exam was at 2pm today. I drove over to TWU, parked my car, walked over to the parking meter, bought a ticket and started walking back towards my car.

"Excuse me!"

I look up and see this guy waving at me. As I'm wearing my dark sunglasses, I do a quick once over and see he's definitely easy on the eyes. I smile - at that very instant, I see myself: blue jeans, black t-shirt and my little brother's school zip up hoody (his school has uniforms...which, btw are way too big on me) and my hair flying all over the place...I look like shit - my smile falters. Why does this always have to happen to me?

"Do you know where the David Enarson building is?"

Oh how nice, he's looking for the same building I'm going to. He's probably writing an exam in the same room as me, too.

"Yeah," I say as I point towards the building, "It's that one. You writing a CSI exam?"

"Yeah, I am. What are you writing?" Just my bloody luck.

"CSC #2. You?"

"CPH. My name's Travis, by the way."

"Loveleen. Nice to meet you Travis."

"You too, Loveleen. Cool name."


We had a pretty good conversation on our way to our exam room. He was a nice guy...why did I have to look like shit? I'm sure there's a conspiracy against me.

On the plus side, the exam went really well.

Monday, September 26, 2005


I just took a 20 min break from studying to write up this really good blog entry...and then I clicked on "Save as Draft" and it disappeared! I don't have time to re-write it!! ARGH. This is so frustrating. I'll try to write it again on my next break.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


I was recently sent a Hallmark e-card from one of my staff members. It is hilarious! Hallmark has an e-card collection called hoops&yoyo. Click here to see it!

**sigh** I have an exam on Tuesday. I should be studying right now, but instead I'm wasting away precious studying time by browsing the net. I know that on Monday night I'll be freaking out because I haven't studied enough...but I just never learn. I'm going to go try and study now.

Update: Ok, that link up there doesn't work. Click here to see it for real. Sorry.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Grish in Asia

My friend Grish left for a 3 month trip to Asia on Sunday. She has safely arrived at her first destination of Hong Kong. She's doing Asia all by herself! Her itinerary's on her blog, and she'll be periodically posting on her blog as well keeping us up to date on her whereabouts. If you're interested, I've got the link to her blog on the right.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Gibsons, BC

I spent a weekend out on the Sunshine Coast this summer. A good friend of mine moved out there earlier this summer, and I went to visit. Here are some of the many fantastic photos I took while I was there.

The first two are views from atop Soames Hill - about a 60 min hike up my friend and I took.

This picture below is from the beach that is a one minute (ONE MINUTE!) walk from my friend's house. How cool is that? She certainly moved to a great place.

**Sigh** Gibsons is the place that I'd love to buy some vacation property. It's far enough away that it feels like you're going somewhere, but it's close enough that you can do day trips if you like.

Luv the Tree Hugger

It's official...I am a tree hugger.

Meet My New Boyfriend

I have a boyfriend. He makes me feel wonderful and awful all at the same time.

At times, when I go see him I feel light, happy, and sexy. Other times, I feel more hurt and pain than I have ever felt before.

Stress? It's virtually gone when I'm with him. He's made me feel parts of myself that I never knew were there.

We try to see each other every night, but with my hectic work schedule we only get to see each other a few times a week. I know he doesn't like that, sometimes I crave him so badly that I hate not being able to see him either. Other times I hate him so much that I don't want to go see him at all, but I go see him as we made plans...and I end up having a better time than I thought I would.

Such a confusing relationship we have. I don't know what to make of it. I've been thinking of breaking it off, but I've been told that I should give it another three months.

I suspect he's cheating on me...with my best friend. When she talks about her boyfriend, the relationship mirrors my own (although, it seems as if she hates hers more than I hate mine). In fact, even her boyfriend's name is the same as mine. But since I started seeing him first, I feel he's more mine than hers.

Meet my new boyfriend...his name is (the) Gym.